What is alex & jane?
Alex and Jane is an improvised comedy web series about friendships and dating and marriage and kids and the funny choices we make.
The show was created by Beth Miranda Botshon and Maria Stasavage and features improv comedians Rachel Rosenthal, Julie Rosing, and Taylor Newhall, among others.
How Alex and Jane Began:
Beth and Maria are old friends who are bound by their love for art, film, and travel, but mostly Johnny Depp circa 1995. Their Brooklyn community boasts 12 single thirty-ish ladies waiting impatiently for Mr. Right, and like, eight million new moms. You'll often find Beth and Maria drinking wine and complain-laughing about their respective plights - Maria navigating work and the single life, and Beth wanting to swipe right for her, plus managing her own life as a busy filmmaker and supermom. One day Maria jokingly proposed that they write about all this, and Alex and Jane was born.
They started the process meeting at coffee shops to toss around ideas and write. Then they went in search of their cast (visiting various shows at UCB and the PIT) until they found them: Raero, Julie, and Taylor. Soon after, they passed out scripts to production people Beth had worked with in the past and asked them to come on board to help.
The result is an honest, funny, and sometimes ridiculous story of two women and their friendship. They hope you enjoy watching it as much as they enjoyed making it!
For all inquires contact Beth Botshon: bb@bethbotshon.com